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Thoughts & Inspiration

“The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save – He will take great delight in you, He will Quiet you with his love, and rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:1 


Your Song

When i get to Heaven, and meet him face to face

i’ll stand in front of his glory, my being from head to toe

i wonder if He’ll recognize me as what he created me to be

or as someone he doesn’t even know

i wish for the edges of my vase to have handprints of the creator and the ridges on the inside to be as intricately detailed as the thought that came in his head to make them, and if someone was to come to my vase and tip it over i hope the privileged melody that pours out is a mirror of the one that Christ sings over me everyday

Oh yes what a choice, to be an echo or a voice

I think one of the most dangerous things we can do is decide our song isn’t good enough, so we choose then not to sing it

To hide a piece of Christ He gave specifically, that only we ourselves bear

because certainly it isn’t as good as the ones i’ve heard before

and certainly it needs more rhythm and more sound and the lyrics are wrong and the beat isn’t loud

but i think what we don’t understand is that there’s certain shelves that only you can reach

and places that only you can go

if you withhold your song from His people

They are never gonna know

our unique soundtrack and scribbled notes 

hold hands with riffs and melodies 

all tied together, reflections of his character 

that when you do sing your song 

They might know Him better

we are the music makers of this time

we hold a tune of Heaven

Lord let the footnotes of my life hold the lyrics of the song you knew to be before i was formed




3 responses to “Your song”

  1. WOW!
    Profound words, Maddie!
    Zeph 3:17 has always been a favorite of mine. But you have given it a new perspective in challenging us to share “our song” with those around us.
    As you’ve done here…continue to share “your song-your writing” because God will use your gifting for His glory!
    Praying for you & your team❤️JDuffy

  2. Maddie, that is both so beautiful and so powerful! What a melody of reflection highlighting all God is teaching you and stirring within you. What boldness and obedience to share and sing it out for us to hear. It is a Godly encouragement and challenge for all each us. Love you and praying for you! 💕

  3. WOW! Madison! You are a song composer, also!—besides a future author! You must have a melody to all that! Can’t wait to hear you sing it in person! (Applause!!! MAddie!! MaDDdie!! MADDIE!!!)

    So, what was your Thanksgiving all about this year!? I don’t think you had any turkey!? OR, did you!? Maybe you were busy composing this song!?

    We have had our first snow this last week! Just a skiff each day/night for the last few days/nights! Day temps in the 30’s, and 20’s at night! Fall is over, and winter is ushered in now! Jack Frost has shown up a few mornings already! So pretty, with all that hoary frost on everything!

    I think you are still in summer weather mode!?

    Continuing the prayers!
    Love, 2 GJs